OGP Europe Civil Society Day 2014: A tiny Twitter Review

Full house at OGP Europe Civil Society Day 2014. Foto by @jasonmhare

Just one day before the regular Open Government Partnership (OGP) Regional Meeting 2014 in Dublin civil society organisations were invited to participate in OGP Civil Society Day. The Civil Society Day aims to give CSO’s across Europe the opportunity for discussion on Civic Space, Post-2015, and Governance and Internal Mechanism on Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Here you find a short Review as small (due problems with the Wifi in the venue) selection of Tweets of the event which took place in the beautiful Chester Beatty Library in Dublin Castle on May, 7th 2014:

Opening speech by Denis Parfenov (OKF Ambassador Ireland) and Paul Maassen (OGP’s Civil Society Coordinator)

Using the OGP cycle to advocate for open government

Openness vs privacy: what role can OGP play?

Involving the EU in OGP

Stop secret contracting

Opening Government survey

Problems faced with FOI implementation


Last but not least: Thanks for the invitation to the OGP Civil Society Day and the great organisation by Open Knowledge Ireland and Open Government Partnership (OGP).

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