Germany IRM 2023-2025 Action Plan Review

Bis zum 05.07.2024 besteht die Möglichkeit, den Germany IRM 2023-2025 Action Plan Review zu kommentieren:

We are pleased to share Germany’s 2023-2025 IRM Action Plan Review for public comment in English and in German. The public comment period will commence on 21 June 2024 and remain open for a period of two weeks, through close of business on 5 July 2024. The link to the report can be found here.
The IRM thanks those of you who provided comments during the pre-publication review period. We incorporated most of these comments into the report.

We invite you to share the report with your colleagues. Unless expressly requested otherwise, please note that comments and responses received during the public comment period will be published alongside a final version of the report. If you share comments via email (, please let us know if you would like them to be kept anonymous or confidential.

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